Maritza came to CrossFit Eminence in May of 2021 and has been working incredibly hard in the gym! She averages almost 8 classes a week at CrossFit Eminence, attending a variety of coached classes including CrossFit, Cardio class, Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting classes. We have seen her improve exponentially and even got her first pull-up just earlier this year. Maritza then joined our most recent 12-week Summer Shred Nutrition Program and topped things off with an amazing body transformation! She lost over 18 pounds and learned lifelong lessons on how to fuel her body with nutrition. Read on, to hear all about her experience...
Maritza's body transformation story
My name is Maritza and I want to share how everything started and what I have learned in the last 12 weeks.
I had been trying to feel good with myself and my appearance, for years wanting to be able to like myself when looking in the mirror. I tried different things but didn’t see any changes. Until one day I heard about CrossFit Eminence, and I'm not going to lie, I was afraid of joining and not feeling accepted. I thought I would feel excluded - but it wasn't like that at all, but the opposite!
Joining the Summer Shred Nutrition Challenge
I decided to get into the 12-week challenge, which has helped me a lot. I learned how to cook healthy food and meal prep. And I also learned what’s good and what's bad for my body. I realized that food is not bad for you if you know how much to eat. I've also taught my body to not depend so much on greasy food, and I stopped drinking alcohol completely. I’m trying to keep this lifestyle because it works for me. It has been hard to control my cravings and all the anxiety for food I felt, especially at night, but all I can say is I did it!
After 12 weeks I can see how far I’ve come and I’m happy with the results I got. Like I said, I want this to be my lifestyle. Thank you coach Kat for your help and patience during these 12 weeks.
Congrats Maritza!
Congratulations to Maritza, we are so proud of how far she has come!
Spanish version
Mi nombre es Maritza y quiero platicarles lo que aprendi estas 12 semanas y parte de como empezo todo.
Yo tenia anos intentando sentirme bien conmigo misma con mi aparencia poder gustarme al verme en el espejo y por mas que lo intentaba no miraba ningun cambio hast que un dia supe acerca de CrossFit Emiennce no miento yo senti miedo al integrarme y no centirme aceptada o sentirme excluida pero no fue asi si no lo contrario.
Decidi meterme a este reto de 12 semanas las cuales me ayudaron demasiado aprendi primero que nada a cocinar a preparar comida saludable a saber lo que era bueno y malo para mi, a que la comida no es tan mala si sabes cuanto debes de comer he acostumbrado mi cuerpo a no depender tanto de comida grasosa deje el alcohol por completo he tratado de hacer esto mi estilo de vida y me funciona demasiado.
No puedo mentir ha sido muy dificil controlar mis antojos la ansiedad de comer sobre todo en las noches pero puedo decir que lo logre ahora que han pasado casi 12 semanas veo lo lejos que llegue y estoy tan feliz con mis resultados y como lo dije de ahora en adelante quiero que esto sea un estilo de vida para mi. Thank you coach Kat for your help and patience during these 12 weeks.