Luis is a happy and positive influence on the community at CrossFit Eminence. We love seeing the work that he puts into CrossFit class every afternoon. But Luis wanted to take things to the next level and joined our 12-week Nutrition Program. During the challenge, he had many opportunities to not stick to the plan. He was very busy and had a lot of work meetings that could have easily derailed his results. But he learned the importance of nutrition in his life - that fitness was only part of the equation to see and feel the results that he was really looking for. He learned that he could meet people for coffee instead of having a lunch meeting - had he did great at trusting the process. Luis ended up losing almost 16 pounds in 12 weeks!
Combining fitness and nutrition
My experience with the CrossFit Eminence 2022 Summer Shred Nutrition Program.
Before this challenge, I did not have rules on my diet because I was doing CrossFit. But I was not seeing all the results that I wanted to see. With this program, I have been learning about what to eat, and to have respect for what I eat. Ultimately, I learned what to put in my body according to my needs.
What I learned
Yes, this is a diet program, but it doesn’t stop there. Here are many things that I have been learning and have been very appreciative about this nutrition program.
· I learned that I am not the only one, and Club members are in similar situations.
· I had the support of Coach Dee; she kept me motivated and always stayed positive.
· This is a motivation booster, and it affected many aspects of my life in a positive way.
· I did this program at the busiest time at work, and that tells me that if we put the energy and focus into it, it is possible to do.
· I have been changing the way that I interact with coworkers, family, and people in general - all to stay within the guidelines of the program.
· This program indirectly helped me with a health condition in my voice - this tells me that everything is connected, and diet is the foundation of many things!
· My energy levels are amazing during this diet!!
· I am happy and I feel good.
Finding balance
Everything is connected, and I think it's important to have balance in life. This diet taught me the importance of nutrition, how it affects many aspects of your life, and I am happy with what I am capable of doing. I am excited about the future! Thank you, Chad and Kat, for the environment at the gym, which is not only to exercise - but to teach us how we can become a better version of us! And a special thank you to Coach Dee, for helping me along the way in this amazing 3 months.